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Notes for creating a bootable FreeBSD pxe image

Category : Linux

This is my notes for creating a bootable pxe image for freebsd on foreman

# wget http://mfsbsd.vx.sk/files/images/11/mfsbsd-se-11.2-RELEASE-amd64.img
# mkdir /mnt/loop
# mdconfig -a -t vnode -f mfsbsd-se-11.2-RELEASE-amd64.img 
# mount /dev/md0p2 /mnt/loop
# cd /mnt/loop
# cp -p mfsroot.gz /tmp/ 
# cd /tmp
# gzip -d mfsroot.gz
# mdconfig -a -t vnode -f mfsroot 
# mkdir /mnt/mfsroot
# mount /dev/md1 /mnt/mfsroot/
# cd /mnt/mfsroot
# cp -p root.txz /tmp
# cd /tmp
# tar Jxvf root.txz
# vim rw/etc/rc.local
# Foreman provisioning script
# try to fetch foreman URL via TFTP
LFILES=`find /var/db -name 'dhclient.leases.*'`
for LFILE in $LFILES; do
  if [ -z "$FOREMAN_URL" -a -f "$LFILE" ]; then
    INTERFACE=`cat $LFILE | grep -E -o 'interface .*[^;]' | head -1 | cut -d\" -f 2`
    SERVER=`cat $LFILE | grep -E -o 'next-server .*[^;]' | head -1 | cut -d' ' -f 2`
    if [ -n "$SERVER" -a -n "$INTERFACE" ]; then
      MAC=`ifconfig $INTERFACE | grep -o "ether .*" | head -1 | cut -d' ' -f 2`
      DMAC=01-`echo $MAC | sed -e 's/:/-/g'`
      cd /tmp
      echo "connect $SERVER
mode binary
get /pxelinux.cfg/$DMAC" | tftp
      FOREMAN_URL=`grep foreman_url= /tmp/$DMAC | awk -F"foreman_url=" '{ print $2 }'`
if [ -z $FOREMAN_URL ]; then
fetch --timeout=10 --no-verify-hostname --no-verify-peer -a -m -q -o /tmp/install.sh $FOREMAN_URL
sh /tmp/install.sh
# rm root.txz
# tar cfJv root.txz rw
# mv root.txz /mnt/mfsroot/
# umount /mnt/mfsroot
# mdconfig -d -u 1
# gzip mfsroot
# mv mfsroot.gz /mnt/loop/
# umount /mnt/loop
# mdconfig -d -u 0
# rm -R /tmp/rw /mnt/loop /mnt/mfsroot

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How to migrate a linux partition to another server over ssh

Category : KVM , Linux

In order to migrate a partition/lvm to another server you can run the following command:

dd if=/dev/vg/source bs=512M |gzip |ssh root@target "gzip -d | dd of=/dev/vg/dest bs=512M"

How to move a wordpress installation easily

Category : Linux

In order to move a WordPress installation, move all web files to the new location and run the following queries in the database:

UPDATE wp_options SET option_value = replace(option_value, 'http://www.old-domain.com', 'http://www.new-domain.com') WHERE option_name = 'home' OR option_name = 'siteurl';

UPDATE wp_posts SET guid = replace(guid, 'http://www.old-domain.com', 'http://www.new-domain.com');

UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = replace(post_content, 'http://www.old-domain.com', 'http://www.new-domain.com');

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Intressant om Ipv6

Category : Linux

Ithelpdesk.se går nu att nå både över Ipv4 och Ipv6. 🙂

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Testmeddelande via iphone

Category : Hemsidan

Testar teatar



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Nytt tema

Category : Hemsidan

Jag har lagt in ett nytt tema.

Har bytt teckensnitt från Georga till Verdana.
Ska även byta ut rubrikfärgen till något brunt för att bättre passa den övriga sidan.

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Category : Hemsidan

Försöker få till ett fint tema i WordPress.

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Jailbreak till iPhone

Category : iPhone

Tillverkaren bakom Pwnage Tool har nu lanserat en nytt verktyg som gör det möjligt att jailbreaka iPhone 3GS med os 3.1.3.
Mer information om detta finns på http://www.spiritjb.com

Fedora 13

Category : Linux

Välkommen till mitt första inlägg.

Snart släpps Fedora13.